Generator Shed Cabin 16 Cabin 15 Cabin 14 Cabin 13 Cabin 12 Cabin 11 Cabin 10 Cabin 9 Cabin 8 Cabin 7 Cabin 6 Cabin 5 Cabin 4 Cabin 3 Cabin 2 Cabin 1 Store Director's Cabin Bathhouse Barn Bunkhouse Soda Butte Ranger Station Buffalo Keeper's House Solar Arrays Powerhouse

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Solar Irradiance:
Updated: 12-04-2024 19:37

Soda Butte Ranger Station

Built in 1930 the Soda Butte Ranger’s Station was originally located near Soda Butte Cone east of the confluence of Soda Butte Creek and the Lamar River and was moved to the Buffalo Ranch in 1938 to serve as the assistant buffalo keeper’s residence. It remains as a residence for NPS Law Enforcement Rangers and contributes to the Lamar Buffalo Ranch historic district. In the late 1990’s this house underwent a renovation to repair and replace logs, add new insulation and renovate the west facing porch which had been closed in. Unfortunately, the cliff swallows really like the open porch and it is very difficult to prevent them from building their mud nests on the logs and rafters. The house still has the old coal/wood shoot and wood stove in the basement.

Current load
Hourly load of last 24 hours
Daily load of last 7 days
Comparison of last 7 day's consumption: 66 kWh
Consumes 15 W/h
Light a bulb for
Consumes 1500 W/h
Run an electric heater for
Consumes 4000 W/h
Enjoy hot shower for
6.07 months
1.82 days
16.4 hours