Michael Everts, AIA, NCARB,
Associate Professor of Architecture

e-mail: meverts@montana.edu

phone: (406) 994-3392

Michael Everts, AIA, is a registered architect and associate professor of architecture. Since 2003, he has taught advanced graduate level design, professional practice, and special design topic courses at Montana State University. He was educated at UW-Milwaukee, Montana State University, University of Texas-Austin (B Arch 1987) and Columbia University NY (MS in Architecture and Urban Design, 1991). Prior to teaching at MSU, he practiced architecture in Chicago with Valerio Dewalt Train Associates for ten years. He has also practiced in Milwaukee, San Antonio and New York. His realized work includes commercial centers, manufacturing facilities, workspaces, and innovative exhibits. Parallel to his built work, he advocates (through competitions, design research, and student involved design/build projects) an architecture that is engaged with the reality of the society in which it is embedded in order to be an instrument of positive social change. Currently he is working with colleagues and students on design/build initiatives in Nepal and Kenya.
