Pinnacle Bank
IDL Bozeman worked with CTA Architects to investigate daylighting potential for the Pinncale Bank in Cody, WY. Click on the picture to get more information about the project and process.

In 2008, IDL Bozeman worked with CTA Architects to investigate daylighting potential for the Pinnacle Bank in Cody, WY. CTA's goal was to achieve LEED daylighting credit 8.1. The credit calls for 75% of the regularly occupied spaces to have an average illumination of 25 fc. IDL Bozeman confirmed LEED approval in 77.1% of the regularly occupied spaces.
IDL Bozeman discovered daylighting problems including excess illumination, glare and internal heat gain. Folowing this problem identification, IDL Bozeman offered suggestions to mitigate these pitfalls. The suggestions included rotating roof clerestories to the South, adding sunshades, such as baffles or louvres, and increasing the amount of diffuse glazing in order to provide more even illumination.
IDL Bozeman analyzed the building in the lighting program AGI-32. By looking at the illumination graphs, the lab suggested ways of overcoming excess light, glare, and heat gain.