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Need to figure out what CORE is lacking?

Click here to download and print the CORE Audit sheet

Sign into MSU “My Info” account and review the unofficial transcript.

Complete the CORE Audit worksheet by filling in the appropriate categories with the classes completed. (Remember some architecture classes count as CORE class as well; ARCH 121IA= Arts requirement, ARCH 151RA= Research requirement, MATH 151Q or 171Q= Quantitative requirement)

The areas left blank on the worksheet indicate the CORE to be completed.

Need to find out what specific CORE classes are offered for a semester?

Check on the online CORE Searchable database to find a full listing of CORE classes for a semester.

Link to: the online CORE Searchable database

Go to the MSU home page at www.montana.edu

Click on “My Info”

Choose the option “CORE Classes” from the list of option

Select the semester and CORE category requested. Then click on “Search Class”

Non Architecture Electives

Please note that in addition to fulfilling degree requirements, students are required to have a minimum of 45 course credits from outside of the Architecture department to complete the Master of Architecture degree requirements. For tuition purposes most students take these non-Architecture electives prior to finishing their Bachelor’s Degree. The courses taken to fulfill CORE count towards these 45 hours. If the CORE is fulfilled, a student should begin to take additional non-architecture courses.

Want to calculate the number of Non-Architecture electives currently completed?

Sign into MSU “My Info” account and review the unofficial transcript

Count the number of credits completed in non-architecture courses. This includes any course that does not have ARCH as the course listing. Both Math and Physics should be included in this total as they are non-architecture courses.

Want to confirm if on track with Architecture courses?

Click here for to download a Major Course Checklist

Access one’s unofficial transcript by logging into the “My info ” account

Complete the checklist by filling in the courses completed.

The areas left blank on the checklist indicate the Major requirement courses still required.