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Expected Placement for Students with an Undergraduate Degree in an Architecture Related Field, Environmental Design, or Architectural Studies

Students who have a four-year, undergraduate degree in architectural studies or environmental design may apply for admission to the Master of Architecture program. Students will be evaluated based on the application process and portfolio review and will be placed at an appropriate point in the architecture curriculum. Students can expect to pursue a series of rigorous design studios and specialized courses in advanced architecture to be granted the Master of Architecture degree. (slightly different from grad web site-but still clear)

Generally, non-MSU applicants to the Graduate Program can expect to be provisionally admitted to the graduate program providing successful portfolio and application review. Typically the provision for most non-MSU applicants is that ARCH 456, which is the 4th year capstone studio, must be successfully completed prior to being fully admitted into the Graduate program. This type of provisional admittance will result in one additional semester of study to complete the M.ARCH degree requirements.

For more detailed information about how to apply to the Graduate program click here.