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Application Submittal

Send an electronic PDF by e-mail to Rachael Ortego at rortego@montana.edu
Print out the form and Send via fax to Rachael Ortego at 406-994-7364
Print out this form and mail it to:

Rachael Ortego
School of Architecture
P.O. Box 173760
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-3760

Application Process

Step 1 - Apply for Retro-Active Master of Architecture Degree

Apply to the MSU Graduate program

Special Notes regarding the completion of the Graduate Application form:

Indicate on this form if the applicant is a resident of Montana or a non-resident; the cost for the course is the same for both. Residency status is gathered for informational purposes only.

Complete the form with biographical information. Please be as accurate as possible, particularly in regards to current address and previous MSU enrollment dates.

Enrollment Semester information - Please indicate the semester selected to enroll in the program. Please note that one must apply, enroll and complete the course work in 1 semester. The dates are listed below for the semesters;

Summer  2014 Mayy 1 through August 2nd, 2014

To enroll in this term Step 1-3 must be completed by August 2nd, 201r.  

Fall  2014 August 23rd through December 12, 2014

To enroll in this term Step 1-3 must be completed by December 12, 2014.  

To look at the course requirements and readings prior to enrolling to help planning purposes and term selection please see STEP 3 below prior to completing the application.

Make certain to sign the application on page 2.

A confirmation e-mail will be sent once the application has been processed.
Please proceed with steps 2 & 3

Step 2 - Register for the One-credit On-line Graduate Elective

Montana State University requires that a one-credit on-line graduate elective be completed in order for the retro-active Master of Architecture degree to be awarded. This course, ARCH 589 Graduate Consultation, is offered through MSU Extended University. This course will be offered each semester for the foreseeable future so all alumni will have a chance to receive the retro-active Master of Architecture degree.
Registration for ARCH 589 will be available during the following times. The degree will be received based upon the semester in which one registers and completes the one-credit on-line course.

Summer 2014 May 1 - August 2, 2014
Fall 2014 August 23rd - December 12, 2014
Click here to register for this class. 

Special Notes Regarding the Completion of the Registration Process:

On the Extended University registration page, select ARCH 589 from the course list and complete the registration process.

Payment for this class occurs during this registration process. Payment can be made by credit card or check. Extended University is handling payment and registration. Checks can be made payable to MSU. If you need to contact Extended University you can call (406) 994-6683 or Toll Free: (866) 540-5660 or via e-mail at ContinuingEd@montana.edu.

The fee for this class is $500 and includes all application fees, computer fees, processing fees and graduation/diploma fees associated with the class.
After registering for this course proceed to Step 3

Step 3 - Complete the One-credit course ARCH 589 Graduate Consultation

To complete ARCH 589, the applicant will need to take a test on a series of readings related to the issues of stewardship.
Link to:
Click Here to download the Course Readings
Click Here to take the Test
Special Notes regarding the completion of the Course and Testing process:
When finished answering the test questions click “Done” on the test page to submit answers. Please make certain to provide an e-mail address in question #31 on the test. The e-mail address acts as a locator for the test and allows MSU to match it to the application and thus process a score.

The test will automatically be sent to the School of Architecture where the grade will be calculated. An e-mail confirmation will be sent within 5-7 days of taking the test regarding the test score and course completion.

A score of 80% or higher is required to pass this graduate level course.

Once the course is successfully completed, the M.ARCH degree from Montana State University will be granted. The M.ARCH diploma will be sent via mail according to the dates below:

Fall Semester 2013 Graduates - Expect Diploma May 15-31, 2014
Spring Semester 2014 Graduates - Expect Diploma July 15-31, 2014
Summer Semester 2014 Graduates - Expect Diploma December 15-31, 2014
Fall Semester 2014 Graduates - Expect Diploma May 15-31, 2015