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Khumbu Climbing School

Through collaboration between the School of Architecture and the Alex Lowe Charitable Foundation, SoA students designed the Khumbu Climbing School in Phortse, Nepal, under Associate Professor Michael Everts’ direction and in consultation with Bob Mechels, a LEED accredited professional with Dowling and Sandholm Architects. The collaboration was challenged to design a building which was culturally sensitive, environmentally sustainable and nurturing the opportunity for Sherpas to learn safe climbing skills and foster a passion for Alpinism. By creating a physical place for the gathering of climbers and community, the project strives to share the impossible immensity of the Himalayan Mountains. The students’ design was approved this fall and Everts traveled with several graduate students (see MSU website blog http://www.montana.edu/khumbu/) to the ground breaking in the beginning of November 2009. The project has been helping Montana State University’s School of Architecture to spearhead the education outreach and design research efforts underway in the school.


In May, 2010, Adjunct Assistant Professor Bill Rea and seven MSU students traveled to Morocco to work with on the renovation of the Igherm in Zawiya Ahansal, a remote area of Morocco's central High Atlas Mountains. This is the second year that MSU architecture students have worked with SoA alumna Chloe Erickson to help villagers complete the project.