December 8, 2023

NAAB Accreditation

School of Architecture receives full 8-year NAAB Accreditation for M.Arch Degree Program

NAAB Accreditation

May 23, 2023

Hayden Painter. Photo provided.

Montana State architecture student wins international prize

The MSU graduate’s compassion and empathy guide his work, which recently earned him the Berkeley Prize, a prestigious award given to the winner of an international architecture essay competition hosted by the University of California, Berkeley. 

Architecture student wins international prize

May 20, 2022

Sean Clearwater, front, shows students how to use a CNC router, which can be used to make a wide variety of models and other objects.

Sean Clearwater helps transform students’ ideas into polished products

As the manager of the craft shops in MSU’s College of Arts and Architecture, Clearwater’s world is one of table saws, CNC routers, plasma torches, laser cutters, sanders — tools that shape wood, metal and other materials into almost any form imaginable. 

Sean Clearwater's creative guidance 

March 2, 2022

Ralph Johnson, director of the MSU School of Architecture

Ralph Johnson to deliver Provost's Distinguished Lecture

 Johnson will talk about architecture’s link to community and how that applies to a booming Bozeman in his 2022 Provost’s Distinguished Lecturer Series talk, “Creativity and Community,” set for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 8, at the Hager Auditorium of the Museum of the Rockies. 

Ralph Johnson lectures March 8 about how design improves our lives

December 18, 2021

Graduate architecture students from the Montana State University College of Arts and Architecture work on building a bike shelter, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2021 outside Cobleigh Hall on campus in Bozeman, Mont.

Shelters in place: Architecture graduates leave legacy for campus bicyclists

Six graduate students in MSU's School of Architecturecreated a bike shelter design that will soon be replicated across the MSU campus. Students were enrolled in a fabrication class led by teaching professor Bill Clinton.

Protype shelters outside of MSU’s Cobleigh Hall.

August 31, 2021

Spencer Fitz-Gerald, part of a three-student team whose greenhouse design won a top place at an international competition, examines an evaporation pad in the Plant Growth Center at MSU on Aug. 31, 2021

MSU students honored at international design competition

A team of Montana State University engineering and architecture undergraduates has earned a top award at an international competition which tested their ability to analyze energy-saving building systems.

Top award for energy-saving building systems analysis

August 10, 2021

Architecture students building obstacle course.

MSU architecture students design obstacles to remove barriers for local homeless youth

Sixteen Montana State University architecture students have worked to remove barriers for homeless youth in Bozeman by helping design an obstacle course that will be used in a local fundraiser this month.

Designing a fundraiser obstacle course

July 22,


Student Stephanie Weddle inspects a wood panel with Bill Clinton, fabrication shop director.

MSU American Indian Hall to feature furniture crafted from trees harvested from site

Trees harvested to make room for Montana State University’s new American Indian Hall have been transformed by architecture students into furniture that soon will be housed in the new building slated to open this fall.

Trees to become featured furniture

May 21, 2021

Zoe Hammond

Freshman writing assignment earns MSU student top architecture prize

A freshman writing assignment launched a Montana State University student into a top finish for one of the world’s most prestigious student architecture awards.

Freshman assignment earns top architecture prize

March 31, 2021

Portrait of Chere LeClair

Chere LeClair receives top honor from American Institute of Architects

A Montana State University architecture professor has been elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects for her work on a national level promoting equity, diversity and inclusion within the profession of architecture and within the communities that architects serve.

MSU Professor earns top honor from AIA

June17, 2020

Nicole Andersson, wins the COTE Top 10 National student design competition

MSU Grad Student Wins National Architecture Design Competition

Nicole Andersson, a graduate student, won the COTE Top 10 national student design competition for her project, Library of play.

 MSU Grad Student wins NAD competition

March 10, 2020


Andrew Vernooy named AIA fellow for lifetime of service to architectural education

A MSU professor who has dedicated his career to architectural education and enhancing diversity and access in the profession has been elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects.

MSU Professor named AIA Fellow

January 28, 2020


Billings architects to speak about green and sustainable architecture 

Based in Billings, Hafer said that High Plains Architects is dedicated to sustainable architecture in the region.

Speaking about green and sustainable architecture

September 5, 2019


MSU engineering, architecture students honored in international design competition

A team of recent MSU graduates in engineering and architecture has earned a top award at an international competition testing their ability to cooperate and push the envelope of energy-efficient design.

MSU students are honored in international design competition

August 28, 2019


MSU programs collaborate on solution for rural teacher housing shortage

A collaboration between students in MSU’s School of Architecture and Department of Education could help solve a housing crisis for teachers in small rural districts in Montana and perhaps nationwide.

MSU programs collaborate to solve housing shortage


June 6, 2019 


Three win College of Arts and Architecture imagination awards

A Montana State University professor and two graduate students have received grants from the MSU College of Arts and Architecture to help fund summer research projects.

Three win CAA Imagination Awards

May 1, 2019


MSU architecture grad student earns top prize in national design contest

Torre Annunziata has won her a place among the top finishers in a national student design competition.

MSU Architecture Grad Student wins top prize in national design contest

January 18, 2019 


MSU Architecture Professor Maire O'Neill To Receive State Historic Preservation Award

For decades, Maire O’Neill Conrad has dedicated herself to her craft and to the historic preservation of agricultural buildings in the Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley area, and the volume and impact of the Montana State University architecture professor’s work have not gone unnoticed, particularly by the Montana Historical Society.

MSU Professor receives State Historic Preservation Award

May 29, 2018  


Architecture student’s vision for a Bozeman housing solution earns top prize in national design contest

A Montana State University architecture student has turned Bozeman’s housing crunch into an idea for an innovative design that was a top place finisher in a national student design competition

Architect student wins top prize in national design contest

May 16, 2018


Billings' Grace Anderson wins national award for work battling student addictions

Anderson has been named MSU’s Newman Civic Fellow, a national award given by Campus Compact for students who have found solutions for problems facing their community.

Student wins national award for work in battling student addictions

April 25, 2018


Sorenson’s shirt design commemorating Bobcats’ 1984 championship reissued for 125th anniversary

Henry Sorenson still recalls vividly the energy he felt on campus when Montana State University unexpectedly won a Division 1-AA national football championship in 1984

Design reissued for 125th anniversary



January 18, 2018


Vintage sign from local landmark illuminates MSU architecture studio’s vision

The only thing larger than the sign on top of Bozeman’s former Burger Inn diner was the heart of its owner, the late Emanuel “Manny” Voulkos, who was known for his gruff exterior and his belief that no one should go hungry — especially students.

Vintage sign illuminates MSU studio's vision


January 16, 2018


The Best Architecture Photographs of 2017

Fourteen images were selected out of more than 1,200 submissions for the 2017 AIA Architectural Photography Competition, open to U.S. architects as well as associate AIA and AIAS members.

Best Architecture Photographs of 2017

January 9, 2018


Manny's Burger Inn sign gets new home at MSU

More than 60 years later, the sign with a blinking arrow and marching lights shines again, newly installed in the two-story School of Architecture studio space at MSU.

Manny's Burger Inn Sign History Video

December 15, 2017


Bill Hoy Creates the Next Generation of Sustainable Living

In Bozeman, Montana, there’s a home that produces nearly as much energy as it consumes. Shaner Hotel Group’s Bill Hoy designed it, and now he’s working to secure its legacy.

Bill Hoy's Next Generation of Sustainable Living

May 22, 2017 


MSU architecture student’s design named one of top 10 in national contest

Robin Wilder’s design for an environmentally sustainable manufacturing facility was selected as one of the top 10 student designs in the country by one of the profession’s top professional groups.

Architecture student's design named top 10 in national contest

April 20, 2017


Tad Bradley: The Glassman of Bozeman

Tad Bradley’s studio is in an industrial area across the tracks from Bozeman, Montana’s, hip historic downtown center. Both Bradley’s workspace and his art glass creations embody that old expression “Things are not always what they seem.”

Tad Bradley: The Glassman of Bozeman

February 21, 2017


MSU architecture students pave the way for Belgrade library’s expansion

In 2015 the Library Journal named the Belgrade Community Library the Best Small Library in America. Now, after a year of planning in collaboration with Community Design Center, the Belgrade library is on the way to achieving a major expansion.

MSU students pave way for Belgrade library extension

February 3, 2017


MSU graduate student elected to architecture institute board of directors

Elizabeth Seidel, a graduate student in the Montana State University College of Arts and Architecture’s School of Architecture, was recently elected as director of the west quadrant for the American Institute of Architecture Students.

MSU grad student elected to board of directors

December 16, 2016


MSU School of Architecture designs small solution for temporary housing for homeless

Tiny houses are a popular concept on televised home improvement shows, but students in the Montana State University School of Architecture think the small structures could also be a temporary solution to a big problem – housing for the area’s homeless.

MSU SoA design solution for temporary housing

November 3, 2016


MSU architecture students and faculty win Design Communication Association award

Several faculty and students in the MSU School of Architecture had their award-winning designs and drawings selected for display in the Design Communication Association juried exhibition, held Sept. 7-10, on the MSU campus as part of the 2016 DCA conference.

MSU students and faculty win Design Communication Association award

September 8, 2016


MSU architecture professor leads effort to transform Butte dump to park, BMX racing course

Bradford Watson is directing a reclamation project that will one day transform Butte’s Bonanza Mine Dump to a recreation site that will include a BMX racing course.

MSU Professor transforms dump into BMX racing course

April 6, 2016


MSU architecture students and faculty assist City of Bozeman by surveying hundreds of downtown homes

Architecture students and faculty assisted the City of Bozeman by completing historic building surveys earlier this week on approximately 500 homes and structures near campus. The daylong event was a project of the School of Architecture in the College of Arts and Architecture.

MSU Architecture students survey downtown Bozeman homes

April 4, 2016


MSU School of Architecture professor wins architectural illustration awards

Henry Sorenson, a professor in the Montana State University School of Architecture, has been awarded two prizes for excellence in architectural illustration from the American Society of Architectural Illustrators.

MSU Professor wins architectural illustration awards

December 11, 2015


Drawings of historic local homestead earn MSU architectural students national prize

Graduate students taking professor Maire O’Neill’s course in architecture documentation won second prize in the National Park Service’s Charles E. Peterson Prize for drawings of the Damon Gabriel homestead.

Students win national prize for historic homestead drawings

April 2, 2015


MSU architecture student in final round for international essay prize

Jennisse Schule’s entry in the 2015 Berkeley Prize essay competition, which made her one of eight international finalists, detailed the case of a 19thcentury Kalispell structure close to her heart. 

MSU student in final round for international essay prize

March 9, 2015

national average

MSU architecture grads exceed national average on professional exams

Graduates from Montana State University’s School of Architecture exceed the national average for passing rates on licensing exams in each area of expertise tested by the Architectural Registration Exam.

MSU grads exceed ARE average

August 7, 2014 


MSU engineering and architecture students win international competition

A group of engineering and architecture students from MSU took first place among an international field with their integrated sustainable building design in a competition sponsored by the American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers, or ASHRAE.

MSU students win international competition

February 9, 2012


Johns named an American Institute of Architects fellow

Ferd Johns, professor emeritus in the Montana State University School of Architecture, has been named a fellow by the American Institute of Architects.

Professor Emeritus named AIA fellow


May 5, 2011


Practical projects take architecture grad to another level

Even though MSU architecture professors rate the talents of the master's graduate from Bozeman along with top students in the country, big buildings are just not his style.

Practical projects take grad to another level

January 7, 2011

arch record

MSU School of Architecture featured in Architectural Record

MSU was one of just five university architecture programs featured in a section devoted to programs that teach students to design and then build a project.

MSU SoA featured in Architectural Record