Fall 2022

Lecture Topic
Exhibits & Workshops
Aug. 29th

Brad Lancaster


Sept. 12th

Megan Sterl


Sept. 19th 

Craig Vickers

"Thinking Beyond the Box" 

(Note: due to technical issues, the audio does not start until 11:26)


Sept. 26th

Tyler Survant


Oct. 3rd

Mark Kranz


Oct. 6th

Tyler Swingle


Oct. 10th

David Wark & Carin Carlson


Oct. 17th

Kristen Disefano


Oct. 31st

Maire O'Neill


Nov. 14th

Veronica Schriebeis Smith


Fall '22 Lecture Series Promotional Poster


To be held at 5:30 in Cheever Hall Room 215.


Located in the Lower Gallery of Cheever Hall (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday). 
Lectures and exhibits are free and open to the public. the lecture progarm is made possible through program fees, contributions by members of the School of Architecture's Advisory Council, and gifts through the MSU Foundation. The request public accomodations to participate in these events, please contact the front office at (406) 994-4255, or MSU Human Resources at (406) 994 -3344. For more information please visit www.arch.montana.edu