Bozeman - Belgrade - Livingston - Gardiner - Pablo - Dillon - Harlowton - Whitefish - Unknown


East Main Coop - 1980

Aerial dimensionsFirst floor planSecond floor planBasement planExterior perspective Interior perspectivesSection and elevationPhase 1 cost analysisLogo design

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Emerson School Playgrounds:

Site plan, elevations, and plan obliquePerspective views and planPlan view, perspective, and elevationsPlan, perspective, and elevationsPlan, and perspective viewsPlan, section and elevationsElevationsPlan and elevation views

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Creative Arts Museum - 1981

Site PlanFloor planExterior perspective AExterior perspectivesInterior perspectives Multiple interior perspectives

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Gallatin County Historical Museum - 1982

Exterior elevation of entranceMain floor planUpper floor planSections and skylight detailStairwell sections and elevationsDisplay stands and panelsLighting detail, gallery entry detail, section, and balcony detailInterior perspective Interior perspective

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Bozeman Swim Center - 1983

Entryway and elevationsFloor plan and sectional viewInterior perspective and sectional view

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 Main Street Facades - 1985

Elevation depicting past designElevation depicting existing designElevation depicting proposed designElevation depicting past designElevation depicting existing designElevation depicting proposed designElevations depicting past, present, and proposed designsElevation depicting past designElevation depicting existing designElevation depicting proposed designElevation depicting main street facadesElevation depicting main street facadesElevation depicting main street facadesElevation depicting main street facadesElevation depicting main street facadesElevation depicting main street facades

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Belgrade Elementary School Playgrounds - 1981

Site PlanK-1 Playground plan, elevations2-3 Grade playground plan2-3 Grade playground elevation and plan2-3 grade playground axonometric4-6 Grade playground plan, elevation, and details4-6 grade playground axonometrics and plans

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Belgrade Public Library Proposals and Addition - 1982

Floor plan Exterior elevationsInterior perspective Floor plan Exterior elevationsInterior perspective

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Floor plan, section and site planElevations of all four sidesInterior perspective

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Green Acres Park - 1980

Title sheetDimensioned plan with keyTopographic plan Plan with adjusted topographySprinkler planRestroom facilities detailHot room details Playground equipment with detail, section, and planElevations and oblique view of playground equipmentEntry archway and basket ball equipment

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Salish-Kootenai Centre - 1981

Exterior PerspectiveElevations and sections Site plan and elevationSite plan and elevationInterior perspective of sun roomSite planSite planSite plan of whole campus

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Depot/Park Entry - 1981

Main street elevationsStreet elevationsStreet elevation and sectionPark street elevationsPerspective drawing of Buildings along Park StreetStreet proposalStreet corner perspectiveAerial plan of streetsArch depot park stage structurePark street planArch depot site planRiver side bike path perspective Gardiner river park perspectiveArch depot Yellowstone entrance structure elevations and planArch depot Yellowstone entrance structure perspective

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Student Union Remodel Proposal - 1982

Exterior perspectiveElevationsElevationsSite planInitial floor plan sketchInitial site plan sketchExterior form sketchesMassing sketches

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Harlowton Art Museum - 1984

Elevations of front and side of exteriorExisting floor plansProposed\revised floor plansSections and cut-away isometric plan-oblique

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Whitefish Recreation Center - 1987

Exterior perspective renderingSite plan Floor planFour elevations Two sectionsInterior perspective

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Unknown Location:

YACC Recreation Center - 1980

Site planFloor plansElevations of exteriorSections illustrating structural detailsInterior perspectives illustrating movement of people

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